How the Certification Programme Was Born

What does it mean to bring leadership somatically? What does it mean to engage embodied practice to liberate ourselves and each other? And particularly, what’s the skillset required to do so in European and Euro-colonial cultures? These are the core questions that Madelanne holds as she creates this space for fellow practitioners to meet each other, to learn together, and to feed this powerful conversation.

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What’s a ‘Body-Informed Leadership Practitioner’

Body-Informed Leadership Practitioners are group facilitators, coaches, and culture-shapers of all kinds who engage an embodied relational skillset at the very heart of their practice in order to partner with complexity, challenge outworn dynamics, and potentiate a more just, joyful, and interconnected world.

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My Story My Story

My Story

I grew up in the big city of Toronto, Canada. I was blessed to have loving parents and a stable home; and yet, from my earliest days, I carried a feeling of disorientation which at times utterly overwhelmed me.

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